08 April 2010

Meeting & Practices with Models

Sunday, the designers and the producers of the fashion show will meet with all the models at once for the first time. We will be dividing up models amongst us. So I finally I will get to pick the rest of my girls. Yay!

I have emailed and posted to my FaceBook page some modeling tip videos I found on YouTube for my models to watch, practice, and learn from. Several of the girls are inexperienced so these videos should greatly help them.

Model fittings will commence next week, and the following Sunday I plan to be doing the photo shoot for my collection's lookbook. I have not yet decided on each of the models I will use for this. One is decided and another girl I would really like to use lives to far away :-) to do the shoot, however, she will be modeling in the show. So far, I have decided that I will only use two or three girls, and I have also decided on the theme and style for the book. Now in the next few days I need to speak with the photographer about what I am thinking of doing. I also need to contact hair and makeup.

Other news, still working to finish up my garments for the fashion show. Absolutely can not wait until I am through with them and I can move on to accessories!

Here are links to the videos I found on YouTube that I would like my models to practice...