17 December 2010

Etsy Store Opens!!!

Dreams Necklace by Rehcy sold in our Etsy Store

The past two days have been spent setting up the REHCY online store on Etsy.com . Took a while to figure the policies, pictures, set-up out, but I gotcha now!!!! Yeah buddy! :-)

Largely time consuming describes the store set-up process. (Maybe it would not have been if I wasn't so picky, but hey, I wanted it done just perfect or well, perfect-ish.) First I went through and set-up store policies-- shipping, returns, etc. Then came the descriptions, mottos, and introductions. Products photographed. A store banner made. Quick photoshoot with my lovely model friend Ashley Dawn. Editing & scaling down of pictures. Then uploading pics, adding descriptions, names, tags, prices...

Yes, it was a lot of work, but it's finally ready. Only a few items are listed for sale at the moment, & that's just fine with me. More will be available soon.

So go check out the Rehcy store on Etsy.com!!

Ooooh, so exciting!!!

"To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have."

Quote from Handbook to Higher Conciousness by Ken S. Keyes, Jr.