13 December 2010

**Accessories & Happy Trees**

Clothing is all well and good, but accessories bring in the largest portion of your revenue. Every would be designer will benefit from knowing this. Think about is, you're browsing through a store you see an amazing dress, you fall in love with it, you check the price tag, your eyes get huge, and you say, "Holy freaking crap, that's to much for my pockets!!" You quickly walk away, and on your way to the exit you see the most adorable bangle bracelet. In a few minutes you're ringing up at the cash register, all excited to wear the cute bangle with your favorite sparkly top. Sound familiar?

That dress was way to much for you to spend, but you walked out of the store happy and satisfied with the "what-a-great-find-at-such-an-amazing-price" face. Yes, many shoppers do this, and the one's that can afford the dress also buy accessories at the same time to go with it. So remember, accessories, accessories, accessories!!!! Hmmm... needs a cheer...

"Accessories, accessories,

They make me so very pleased!

Fill my tummy with happy...trees?"

Not so sure about that... well, you get the picture. By the way, don't ask me what happy-trees are because I have no idea! ha ha

This post was inspired by the fact that I am currently working on accessories for Rehcy and plan to have some posted for sale this week. Hope this post helps someone on the path to design success!!

"Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it."
Quote by Jacques Prevert

(I do not claim ownership the photo in this post)