15 July 2010

Key (made-up) word- Mocketory :-P

Yes, it's been over a month since my last post. I know that is horrible, and I apologize for it. There is no excuse for this kind of behavior! lol From now on I am going to try and be better at posting more regularly.

Here's an update on everything I have been up to in the past few weeks...
*Went on vacation to Tennessee.
*Client work, and more client work.
*Had a client complain about a piece I did for them that I spent forever working on. Have to say, this was highly offending especially since I believe the piece turned out fabulously. However, that's what I get for taking on the job in the first place when my gut was telling me not too.
*Putting off working on anything Rehcy Vonne or Rehcy related because I will not do my other work if I start on next year's collection.
*Really focusing on my Spanish, working hard to be fluent by the year's end.
*Also studying Japanese!! Love love love it!!
*Trying to decide where I what city I want to take a job in. I seriously need something more stable and less annoying!! Hmmm, where to go...Miami, Atlanta, Bangkok, Beijing?
*Finally started searching out inspiration for next year's collection.
*Got the photo disk from the Rehcy Vonne shoot. Fail!! Since the disk only contained about 20 photos and half of the garments were not even on there!! Still need to contact the photographer about this. Putting it off...

And that's what I've been up too. I'll post again soon with updates, or well, random topics or something.

Lots of love...**smack**

KEY WORD used in a sentence: "Do not speak to me in such a mocketory manner!!"