20 August 2010

**Smooth & Simple is Key**

Hey Hey Peoples!!!

How's everyone doing?!

I had a meeting with the SBDC about the Women in Business Conference and showing Rehcy Vonne there. Jeremy, designer of Avid Ymer and a Creative Ambitions producer, was there also. (I had to utilize his fashion show production knowledge. Thanks Jeremy!) It has been decided, I will be their entertainment for the conference.

I want this show to go on as smoothly and as simply as possible. It will basically be a repeat of the last show just without an actual runway. The models will be walking through tables set up for dinner. However, a few changes will be made to the garment line up, but not many. Hopefully I can get the same girls from the last show to model again, that way there is no training needed.

Thanks again to the Small Business Development Center of West Florida for giving me this opportunity.

Now I have to find a team to do hair and make-up...

Daily Concern: Editing the collection for the SBDC show.

"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes." quote by Jack Handey