23 February 2010

Trust & Disaster

Last time I posted, I informed you that I would be meeting with the show's producer about some issues I was having with how the show is being run. In talking to him I informed him that I believed he should take more control over how certain aspects were being handled, and that all final decisions should go through him since this all has been his vision. Things seemed to go well, I believed him to be in agreement, and I walked away believing he was going to step up and take control again. Boy was I wrong...

Turns out that the problems run deeper than I knew. People are not getting along, and certain people are suffering from a serious power craving. The head producer emailed me the day after the meeting and stated that he was resigning from the show. Yes, resigning!! Don't ask me how the original producer and vision-air can resign because I have no idea how! Yes, it is crazy. Apparently there are some major trust issues going on in the show's production. The show is supposed to be continuing on with another producer in charge. However, I spoke to one of the producers, and they stated they would not be doing the show without the original producer. I also am most likely not going to do the show without him. The person who has been put in charge has been the one causing difficulties, and I will not have my image and name tarnished because of their power issues.

I am highly upset and disappointed right now. I believe the original producer should continue with the show. It was his dream, and he was very passionate about it, and it would be such a waste if he quit because of someone with a power hungry diva complex.

I'm going to try to talk him into continuing being the show's producer. He deserves this, and he's put to much work in it to watch it turn into a mockery of his original vision.

I'll keep everyone updated.

Wish us the best in taking back the show!!